If you use an older version of MYOB, you may encounter an issue where Windows blocks the program from running as it cannot verify the publisher. Essentially, all program developers submit their creation to Microsoft with the publisher information, and Microsoft can verify that when users install them in Windows. Apparently this verification has expired, and MYOB don’t seem interested in fixing the problem, as it is classic software that they no longer support.
Meanwhile, a heap of users are suddenly locked out of their accounting program! I had 3 people call me today regarding this, and that’s just my client base! Well, I got straight onto finding a solution, and it wasn’t long before I was able to bypass the error and get my clients back into their program.
If you want to read the MYOB response, click here but they basically say “contact your administrator” which is code for “we don’t care sort it out yourself” 🙂
The simplest fix is to create a command file that runs MYOB from a command prompt, tricking the computer into thinking it’s a code request instead of a user request.
Here are the steps required:
- Identify the directory address of your MYOB installation. You can right click on your current MYOB shortcut, then choose Properties. Then click the Shortcut tab if not already on it, and copy the Target field (highlight it all, right click it and choose Copy) then close that window
- Create a new Notepad file (click Start then type notepad and it will come up as a search result, hit enter) and in the blank notepad document type start then a space and now Paste your Target information (right click and choose Paste) but you will need to manually delete the parenthesis ” ” from either end. For example it should look likestart C:\myob17\Myob.exe
- Choose File and Save As – then choose the Desktop as the location, and in the name field delete everything and type MYOB.cmd then click save. Normally a notepad file is .txt but a batch file runs as .cmd. Once saved you can close the notepad document.
- Locate the new link on your desktop called MYOB.cmd (it’s a white square with silver cogs in it) and you will need to right click the icon, and choose Run as Administrator. Say Yes to the question, and voila! You are in.
You will need to perform Step 4 every time you want to use the program, right click and choose Run as Administrator, but other than that, no other work is required.
Until Microsoft and MYOB sort themselves out, this is the best solution, and it’s possible they will never fix it, instead just demanding you upgrade to their subscription service. At least for now this will keep you operating, and taking their advice of Minding Your Own Business!
I hope this is helpful – if you have any queries or problems with getting this working, please give me a call on 0403 118 257.